Skyrim special edition character builds
Skyrim special edition character builds

skyrim special edition character builds

Despite that, thinking about your character's family is one of the best ways to generate ideas for your character.įamilies have a tremendous impact on how we develop in the real world, and imaginary characters are no different. It might seem like overkill to think about your character's family history since you never get to meet them in the game's storyline. Why Family Matters in "Skyrim" Character Development These players have created characters that have literally hundreds or thousands of hours worth of memories and histories. It's astonishing when you think about it. They succeed at creating that same character in a new setting. It doesn't have to be this way.īy contrast, there are players who do such an effective job creating a character that not only do they play through an entire game without ever creating a new one, but they end up recreating the same character-type when a new version of the Elder Scrolls is released. Players often get stuck in a cycle where they can't seem to stick to any one character they create for more than a few levels (a terrible affliction called restartitis, which cure disease potions and praying at alters doesn't seem to cure). They look and play different, but it's the same kind of experience-you're still playing a superhero. When players get to this point, they usually devise a new character and repeat the same experience with a different build. The game eventually starts to become dull. You'll grow bored of being unbeatable and always doing the right (or the wrong) thing. These kinds of characters are great for a few hours of button-mashing, but spending a lot of time with them will begin to reveal how thin and two-dimensional they are. I like to compare heavily optimized Skyrim character builds to superheroes: they look great, kick ass and never shy away from danger. Heavily Optimized Skyrim Characters and Superheroes I've found these game elements to be the most important when creating a Skyrim character:

skyrim special edition character builds

This article is intended specifically to help you fashion interesting characters from a role-playing perspective-characters that you can be proud of and look forward to playing with for a long time.

skyrim special edition character builds

There are plenty of good resources available already that can help you create powerful and effective character builds.

Skyrim special edition character builds